About HPDO
What HPD-O Purports to Mean

Strategic Mandate Objectives
Towards achieving the above-mentioned vision and mission, the following
mandate objectives are set out:
Promote inclusive society that recognizes and respects the rights and
special needs of PWDs in the development and implementation of all policies and legislations as well as in all decision-making processes
that affect them;- Strive to enhance the access and participation of PWDs in education,
livelihood, health and other social services as well as in cultural,
political and other areas of life on the basis equality of opportunity
and without discrimination; - Contribute to national and local initiatives on the prevention of
blindness and other impairments as well as on identifying and
addressing barriers of participation and inclusion faced by PWDs; - Advocate accessible and inclusive public and private services for PWDs
in line with the principles of universal design and reasonable
accommodation; - Advocate accessible and inclusive public and private services for PWDs
in line with the principles of universal design and reasonable
HPD-O envisions modern society inclusive of PWDs as equal members
and participants as well as meaningful achievers.
HPDO is geared to promoting accessible and inclusive social service
environment for underserved PWDs through the enhancement of equal
access to appropriate and quality services.
Values and Principles
HPDO is guided by the following values and principles: –
- Nondiscrimination;
- Respect for rule of law;
- Respect for human dignity freedom and right;
- Promotion of equity and equality
- Majority membership of PWDs;
- Cross-impairment membership and cross-impairment composition of the
clients of the association; - Voluntarism;
- Collaborative engagement, trust, partnership and networking;
- Gender equality and disability mainstreaming;
- Cost-effectiveness;
- Transparency and accountability;
- Adherence to and practice of moral integrity;
- Safeguarding the security of members, staff and clients;
- Zero tolerance to corruption and fraud.
P.O.BOX 34711
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Phone: 25111-123-13-67
Tel: +251-911-24-18-03
Email: contact@hpdoethiopia.org