Moving towards Increased Improvement of the Lives of PWDs
HPD-O was formed as an OPD/Organization of PWDs on 6 December 1994 in the founding meeting of its seven members who signed and endorsed its very first Bylaw. Consistent with and in realization of this organizational nature, it has been the guiding policy of HPDO to ensure majority
membership of PWDs and leadership of and by PWDs, in all its governing structures: General Assembly (GA), Managing Board, and Secretariat.
This policy is consistent with the requirement of majority membership of PWDs for an OPD that has been enshrined in the Policy Guidelines for Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals Foundations (Advanced Version) of the UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights issued in 2020. As a result, HPDO stands out to be one of OPDs in Ethiopia likely to be consulted with and actively involved by the government in the process of the development and implementation of all polices and legislations as well as in all decision-making process that affect PWDs (UNCRPD,2006, Art. 4.3).

P.O.BOX 34711
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Phone: 25111-123-13-67
Tel: +251-911-24-18-03